R.T. Shepherd C/1 Plastic Pipe Chanter

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R.T. Shepherd & Son - Pipe Chanters

The use of a quality pipe chanter probably does more than anything to improve playing endurance and thus playing enjoyment and performance. In design, materials and manufacture Shepherd Pipe Chanters are of the highest quality available.

Over the years rival pipe chanter makers have been embroiled in constant battles to better the oppositions product. Whilst chanters are not considered to be the cornerstone of the RT Shepherd and Sons (Scotland) Ltd business the unqualified success of the Shepherd Pipe Chanter has made it the most popular chanter in the world today, played by a huge percentage of pipe bands and gold medal soloists alike.

Precise measuring and highly skilled craftsmanship bears witness to the fact that every conceivable effort is made to ensure that each pipe chanter produced is of the highest standard.

R.T. Shepherd Blackwood Pipe Chanter
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R.T. Shepherd Orchestral Bb Pipe Chanter